Smart mobility

Moving forward while looking back | Intertraffic Amsterdam 2022

Friday, 8 April 2022

Italian ANPR specialists Tattile have been exhibiting at Intertraffic for longer than Chief Sales Officer Massimiliano Cominelli can remember, but this year’s edition is set to be memorable for a number of reasons, not least of which is the company’s decision to stray from its 34-year old comfort zone.

“Can I just say something before we start?” asks Massimiliano Cominelli, resplendent in a sharp, blue presumably Italian suit. “This show has been amazing. We weren’t really expecting this high a number of visitors and the quality of those visitors has been absolutely great. Everyone who has come to our stand has been an expert in the ITS ecosystem and the level of questions has been really high. We were looking forward to coming, of course, but we couldn’t help having questions in our heads and small doubts but we couldn’t be more pleased.”

As for new products that have garnered attention this week. Cominelli points to two exciting new developments, both of which have seen Tattile step outside of their comfort zone.

“We’re still honouring our heritage of ANPR and vehicle identification but we’ve revamped our portfolio, exploiting new technological advances to provide a higher performance and scalability,” he explains.

The first new development is the company’s debut foray into axle counting, conveniently called Axle Counter. The AI-based system is able to count axles at high speed on motorway settings and features additional processing capability without the need for an additional trigger. 

“We’ve used our expertise in machine vision in order to create another product that can fit neatly inside an existing ITS ecosystem.”

Perhaps even further out of their comfort zone lies the second of their innovative new product range: Inside Inspection, an AI-driven vehicle occupancy counting system that also has the capability to detect mobile phone usage and drivers who have neglected to wear their seatbelts. Inside Inspection’s AI capabilities mean that it can be used for access control purposes, enforcement, high-occupancy vehicle restrictions and other measures where there are limits on the number of people entering a city.

“With this new product, which will be commercially available at the end of this year, we are making the roads safer, protecting the road users and, ultimately, to enhance the quality of the city,” Cominelli states, proudly.

These two new product lines were in development for some time for the pandemic struck, but Cominelli suggests that the four-year hiatus between Intertraffics afforded them the opportunity to develop them further before publicly presenting them.

“We started working on Inside Inspection at the end of 2018 and it would not have been ready to include on our stand had the 2020 show gone ahead.”

As for the near future we’ll have exciting news for Intertraffic 2024. The Tattile oven is always cooking up something delicious! We’re working on new solutions to new problems – I can’t really tell you any more than that. We took this new direction in order to become more of a one-stop shop for our partners. We want to get the maximum out of our technological capabilities and expertise,” he insists. “And by doing so you will be amazed when we meet here again in two years time.”