10 - 13 MAR 2026 | Intertraffic Amsterdam 2026

Smart mobility embassy

The gateway to knowledge and experience in the Netherlands Do you need Dutch expertise and capabilities? Welcome to the Smart Mobility Embassy, a special gateway to knowledge and experience and access to the complete testing chain in the Netherlands. Created by the Dutch, The Smart Mobility Embassy offers expertise with the aims of encouraging international parties to carry out testing in the Netherlands and exporting Dutch knowledge. During Intertraffic Amsterdam you can find the Smart Mobility Embassy in hall 8.

smart mobility embassy

The Netherlands as a test country

The Smart Mobility Embassy was officially launched at the European ITS Congress in Strasbourg on 20 June 2017. The Embassy acts as a gateway to all Dutch knowledge and expertise in the field of Smart Mobility. The Netherlands has the ambition to be and remain a frontrunner in the field of Smart Mobility test facilities worldwide. The Smart Mobility Embassy was set up to join forces. A one-stop shopping counter for international interested people in Smart Mobility in the Netherlands.

Why a special embassy

Many parties are interested in developing activities in the Netherlands. For these international parties, a clear Dutch ambition, a joint story and a contact point to the right parties in the Netherlands and possibly also to other European countries are a reason to start in the Netherlands. By attracting these parties, the Netherlands will have the opportunity to remain a frontrunner in Smart Mobility.

How does it work

How does it work

The Smart Mobility Embassy functions as an intermediary, bringing parties who need Dutch expertise and capabilities in the area of Smart Mobility together with Dutch parties who can offer these services. The Smart Mobility Embassy is a public-private network within which national and local authorities, knowledge institutions and companies make their knowledge, experience and testing capabilities available. The Smart Mobility Embassy, the gateway to knowledge and experience in the Netherlands; acts as an intermediary between the Netherlands and the rest of the world: government-to-government, business-to-government, government-to-business and business-to-business.

National contact point

The Smart Mobility Embassy is a contact point for foreign parties who are interested in using Dutch development and testing facilities or want to find out more about them. The Smart Mobility Embassy brings parties on the demand side into contact with parties from the Smart Mobility Embassy network.

Incoming missions & visits

The Smart Mobility Embassy is a contact point for incoming missions and visits and can develop a program tailored to the needs of the visitors concerned.

Outgoing visits

The Smart Mobility Embassy provides input for trade missions, study trips and trade fairs.