The advisory board members of Intertraffic are distinguished leaders from business and the public sector. The Intertraffic team works closely with its advisory board to connect Intertraffic with issues and practices of the mobility industry, to ensure our activities serve the needs of our community of professionals and make an impact on business practices.
This influential group provides us with ideas, knowledge and advice that serve to shape Intertraffic’s strategic agenda. Members are high level managers from corporate industries, NGOs, and the political arena and as such act as the voice and trend watchers of the global industry.
From left to right: Nico Zornig (Chairman), Richard Neumann (SWARCO), Raoul van der Struijk (Erdi), Bart Smolders (Heijmans), Katharina Rothbucher (SKIDATA), Bart Vuijk (TNO), Tijs Roelofs (Municipality Amsterdam), Vincent Kobesen (Districon Group & former-CEO PTV Group) , Benny Nieswaag (Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management), not in this picture: Carlo van de Weijer (AI Systems Institute at Eindhoven University of Technology).