10 - 13 MAR 2026 | Intertraffic Amsterdam 2026

All Eyes on Intertraffic Amsterdam 2022

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you in person when we open the doors to Intertraffic Amsterdam on the 29th of March. This year will have a focus on the mobility transition and the power of data. How to cope with the ever-increasing demand for connectivity?
“All Eyes on Intertraffic Amsterdam” will give a short flashback of 2020/2021 happenings, a synopsis of current trends and remarkable developments in the mobility sector as well as an insight in the programme and innovation highlights of our 50th anniversary edition, the new floor lay-out, the summit and hands-on demonstrations. The Intertraffic team will guide spectators through our enchanting capital. 

What to expect

> Innovations shared by our exhibitors
> Interviews with global mobility experts
> Intertraffic City Talk
> Summary of mobility developments 2021
> Meet the team

Intertraffic team

As a team we are pulling out all the stops to make your visit worth your while. The Intertraffic team will guide spectators through our enchanting capital.

Carlo van de Weijer

Mobility transition and the role of data in the transition


If there is one expert to ask about the power of data it is carlo van de Weijer, General Manager of the Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute and member of the Advisory Board of Intertraffic.