Spotlight on Intetra
Traffic management Istanbul

Spotlight on Intetra

Saturday, 1 December 2018

Last year after Intertraffic Istanbul 2017 we spoke with Burca Ocak, sales and marketing manager at Intetra. We chatted about their experience during the exhibition and about the current projects. Next year, Intetra will return at Intertraffic Istanbul 2019.

Intetra is first going to introduce themselves. “We are Intetra Traffic Istanbul. We consist out of two companies which are merged. We exhibit with Intetra, which is the manufacturing company of IT systems and the other company focusses on toll collection systems.”

Intertraffic is curious about what the reason of exhibiting is. Mr Ocak stated: “ We have exhibited for a long time, since seven or eight years at Intertraffic Amsterdam and Istanbul. It was very important for us to exhibit at the previous edition because we have changed our logos, brands and our strategic message. We are also changing our operations within the company, therefore we want to show our new brands to the customers for the first time. During the exhibition, we were looking for new contacts from Turkey and foreign countries. We met a lot of customers from Turkey and we got visitors from different foreign countries. ”

We asked Intetra about their experience during Intertraffic Istanbul. “It was a busy event for us and a very good show. This year we did drone flights in the area and presented our projects in Virtual Reality which made it very tangible for our potential customers. During the show, we are showing a very innovative project, and showing our projects to our customers within two minutes. Each of our projects is at least 400km so we use videos to demonstrate all the projects.

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