This week some of our Intertraffic team members were present in Montreal for the annual ITS World congress. The event is largely focused on the congress but it also has an exhibition with around 200 brands. The ITS World congress alternates every year and moves between North America, Europe and Eurasia. In 2015 the event was held in Bordeaux, 2016 in Melbourne and this year in Montreal. It’s an important event, confirmed also by the presence of a large Dutch delegation.
During this week we spoke with several Dutch delegates. Amongst them were Daan de Chloe, director Mobility & Logistics at TNO and Kai Feldkamp, program director at Rijkswaterstaat. They both confirmed that the Netherlands is doing well in the field of ITS and Smart Mobility. They emphasized to look forward to Intertraffic Amsterdam because it will confirm the status of the Netherlands as a global industry leader.
The most important theme during the week was, not surprisingly, Autonomous Driving. And how ITS fits in this major development. The event gave it an interesting approach: ITS focuses more and more on how you can transfer the gathered data via V2X and influence, positively, the flow of the traffic. So at the end of the day you should see better results in the field of traffic management.
On Wednesday evening we were invited to the Dutch Dinner, organised by Connekt, and the general feeling there was that it had been an interesting few days. The industry is really looking forward to Intertraffic in Amsterdam, which is also a good feeling. Cheers team Intertraffic.