movyon free flow

Movyon Multi Lane Free Flow: the cutting-edge tolling solution that provides the highest efficiency while reducing carbon footprint

Tuesday, 9 April 2024


New technologies are enabling evolved tolling systems that can support highway infrastructure managers in the challenges of, on the one hand, reducing error margins in transactions and, on the other hand, improving traffic flow with the consequent reduction in CO2 emissions and accident rates.

Movyon has developed a new generation of portals equipped with smart devices and advanced software systems that enable accurate and efficient toll collection while avoiding traffic congestion. Through the integration of cutting-edge technologies, the Multi Lane Free Flow solution, in fact, collects data and correlates events then sends them to the management platform that accurately determines the toll and enables its payment without the need for slowdowns or stops, promoting safety and a better travel experience.

Cutting-edge technologies for accurate handling of every transaction

The solution implemented by Movyon consists of a set of subsystems:

A camera system that performs detection and reading of license plates - front and rear - of vehicles passing through the portal, using an algorithm based on neural networks that can capture images within one hundred and three hundred milliseconds.

A radio-frequency system based on antennas capable of reading on-board DSRC or RFID units placed inside vehicles.

A laser-based classification system that identifies vehicle type, size and shape.

The system optimizes information by counting and verifying axles through a lateral laser system and a video scanner. The image processing system identifies lifted axles and vehicle speed together with the presence of twin wheels.

Cameras with lateral context capture complement the vehicle classification system for better data correlation.

Movyon classification software

Classification Software

Video tracking and powerful software to improve performance

To complement the described systems, an advanced video tracking system optimizes event correlation in complex situations such as motorcycles and vehicles changing lanes, partial occlusions, and shadow areas.
With the use of advanced image recognition techniques and powerful software developed in-house, Movyon can accurately track vehicles as they pass under the portals (about 10 m before and after), improving performance and reliability in tolling, especially in the case of missing data or special situations such as vehicles on centerline, motorcycle transit, stop&go traffic. 
The advanced combination of artificial intelligence and detection, tracking and correlation technologies results in the system being highly reliable, with high levels of accuracy in vehicle detection and identification, maximum accuracy of transition data, confidentiality of data, and complete integration of back-office systems and other existing platforms through time-tested interfaces.  

movyon video software

Video Tracking System

Compact design, lower operating costs and higher management efficiency

The Movyon Multi Lane Free Flow solution is distinguished by significant advantages due to the highly efficient design of the gantries, which significantly minimizes visual impact and reduces implementation costs for highway concessionaires or road authorities. 
Designed to be compact, accessible, and extremely robust and secure, the Movyon Multi Lane Free Flow gantry enables the use of a small number of devices, intervention on the facility while maintaining operational continuity, and management of power supply directly from a dedicated and protected cabin, thus avoiding unpleasant acts of vandalism.  
In addition, as a flexible and modular solution, MLFF allows high levels of customization and integration with third-party systems. 

Movyon axel counting

Axles counting

Continuous R&D

Movyon's Multi Lane Free Flow solution meets the most demanding performance standards.
The company has successfully implemented Free Flow solutions in Italy, Chile, Argentina. Free Flow is for Movyon a field with a well-established experience and high level of research and development. Widespread deployments for different clients and advanced software developed in house - think lasers or artificial intelligence or vehicle classification systems – allow the company to constantly innovate and make new deployments faster and faster.
Success Story in Chile:

Movyon chile

Movyon Free Flow in Chile

Discover the new era of electronic toll collection at Intertraffic Amsterdam 2024

Movyon will illustrate the many benefits of its Multi Lane Free Flow solutions for road concessionaires and authorities and travelers during the demos planned at its booth at Intertraffic Amsterdam 2024. Stand 01.228.