HR Groep Streetcare B.V.

HR Groep Streetcare B.V.

HR Groep Streetcare

HR Groep Streetcare is engaged in the production, delivery, and installation, as well as the registration, analysis, and management of traffic signs and related facilities in public places.

HR Groep is in line with legislation, standards, and global goals. Moving towards mobility and climate control agreements is essential to the our mission and vision.

The family business was founded in 1972, focussed engraving and embossing. Over the years, our focus shifted to innovation and sustainability.

Product group
Public lighting, Road construction & maintenance, Road marking/removal & signs, Street furniture
Parking management software
Intertraffic Amsterdam 2026

Frijdastraat 17 2288 EX Rijswijk Netherlands



View all products
  • Bamboo traffic sign

    Bamboo traffic sign

    Made from renewable material

    Bamboo is very strong, scratch-resistant and does not deform. During the rapid growth process, the material absorbs CO2. As a result, bamboo has a negative CO2 footprint throughout its entire life cycle. Bamboo signs are NEN-EN 12899-1 certified. Bamboo has an MKI score of 2.40 per m2, while a traditional coil-coated aluminum sign has an MKI of 8.00 per m2.
  • Natural Traffic Sign and Pole

    Natural Traffic Sign and Pole

    100% fossil-free and plant-based

    Natural Traffic Sign is a circular and CO2 negative product, made out of hemp fibers and 100% bio-based thermoset resins. The hemp is grown and harvested based on green energy. NTS signs are 50% lighter than aluminum signs, which makes production and distribution easier and more sustainable. The NTS pole is made of fiberglass and the same biodegradable resin as in the signs. The NTS sign has an MKI of only 0.48, while a traditional aluminum sign has an MKI of 8.00 per m2.