Intertraffic Global

ON AIR | Episode 5 & 6 | 21 September 2021

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The live broadcast of our Intertraffic ON AIR episodes has ended. The recordings are available to watch below.

Green Deal: Engaging in sustainable urban mobility

The upcoming European Green Deal will no doubt push forward a sustainable mobility agenda encouraging authorities, employers and service providers to offer sustainable mobility alternatives and entice commuters to use them for their daily commute. The Green Deal will force us to question the way we live. As a result many cities are currently reallocating public space to active mobility, changing parking policies and offering financial incentives to encourage micro-mobility, sustainable collective transport, pedestrianize streets and create temporary bike lanes or broaden existing bike lanes. But how do we stay on track in this sustainability transition and what is required to get things started? During this Intertraffic ON AIR episode various experts will explain what must be done to maintain the set course while ensuring mobility access for everyone.

21 September 10:00 - 12:00 | Episode 5

Lucas Harms

Lucas Harms

Dutch Cycling Embassy

Managing Director

Ronald Jorna

Ronald Jorna

Province of Overijssel

Project manager BITS (Bicycles and ITS)

Peter Kuhn

MaaS Global

Director New Ventures

Pieter Litjens


General Director

Marinda Hall


Since 2009 Marinda has been working on strategic issues about infrastructure, policy-making, complex (international) cooperation and related themes.

Cooperative Connected and Automated Mobility: Reaping the benefits of cennectivity

The pandemic brought with it the necessary challenges and adjustments for Cooperative Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) research and Proof of Concepts, but overall smart mobility has undergone spectacular changes with the introduction and widespread use of connected vehicle and traffic technology. The many interventions on the physical and digital road network have paved the way for a gradual move from human driving to self-driving allowing vehicles, roadways, travellers, and traffic management centres to all communicate with one another in real time. The role of the recently founded CCAM association is to speed up further European CCAM developments and aims to create a user-centred and inclusive mobility system, increasing road safety while reducing congestion and emission footprint. During this Intertraffic ON AIR episode various CCAM experts will share their ideas on reaping the CCAM benefits and deploy smart technology to connect infrastructure, vehicles and road users.

21 September 14:00 - 16:00 | Episode 6

Tom Alkim

Tom Alkim

European Commission

George de Boer

George de Boer

TomTom Automotive

Peter Morsink

Royal Haskoning DHV

Marinda Hall


Since 2009 Marinda has been working on strategic issues about infrastructure, policy-making, complex (international) cooperation and related themes.