28 - 30 APRIL 2025 | Intertraffic China

Business oppurtunities at intertraffic china

Spending an estimated $121 billion annually on transport infrastructure, the Chinese traffic and transport industry offers enormous opportunities. Looking ahead the Chinese government planning to spend $1.5 trillion in infrastructure over the next 15 years, with a $340 billion investment in road construction.* 

The main challenges faced within China’s major cities include traffic jams, pollution and overcrowding. Smart mobility will be an integral part of the projects solving these problems. 

*Source: Statista, Commonwealth Bank


Smart Strategies in Shanghai

From future-proofing the city via real-time digital twinning, to people-orientated digital infrastructures and a citizen cloud app that gregates and provides easy access to over 100 government services for Shanghai residents, Shanghai is the role model for cities on their path to become smarter. 


Beijing smart city 2.0

Already one of the smartest cities in the world, Beijing has entered a new phase of devlopment including the introduction of a High-Level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone expeced to encompass over 500 square kilometers. 


Hangzhou's 'City Brain'

Launched in 2016, the Hangzhou “City Brain” project, created by Chinese retail and tech company Alibaba, uses cameras systems and sensors across the city to collect data on road conditions in real-time. The data is fed to an AI hub, which then manages traffic signals at 128 intersections, and helps city officials make better decisions at a faster rate. By pulling from traffic and weather data, the City Brain analyses real-time traffic flow to regulate traffic signals at over 100 intersections.



Expressways | Intelligent transportation | Rural roads | High speed railway
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Smart parking | Intelligent parking
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Road safety

Speeding | Drink driving | E-bikes
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Smart mobility

Telematics | 5G | CAV | Cyber security | Cloud computing | AI
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Traffic management

ITS & public transport
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Collaboration with ITS China: Focus on high tech supply and demand


Along with the accelerated development of intelligent cities, ITS has become one of the most promising industries in China favoured by policies. 

ITS China will organise their own event as an integrated part of Intertraffic China. ITS China is linked to market leaders and universities. ITS China works under the instruction and supervision of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the P.R. China.

China key region

China is the 2nd largest economy in the world. In 2023, China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, with a YoY GDP growth rate of 4,5 percent.

China is a key region of Asia with growth forecast for all the important sectors of the economy. It is continuing to pursue a free-market policy. The conditions for foreign companies are improving steadily - more legal certainty, admission to the WTO, tariff reductions, privileges for foreign investors and liberalisation of trade.
